Student Advisory and Support Center

Student Advisory and Support Center (SASC) is the supporting unit that provides assistances and services for students in both academic and non-academic matters. It also conducts various activities to support students during their studies at BINUS University. Services provided by SASC are Student Well-being Services, Academic Monitoring Services, Mentoring, Disability Services, and Study Resources Support.

Student Well-being Services aims to help students who have psychological problems that can interfere with their studies at BINUS University and affect their well-being. Services are provided for students through individual counseling and specific programs as needed. Students who are involved in this program are expected to experience an increased feeling of psychological well-being, which helps them to achieve optimal academic achievement.

Academic Monitoring Services aims to help students who have academic-related problems that can interfere with their studies at BINUS University. Services are provided for students and parents through individual counseling and specific programs as needed. Students who take part in this program are expected to have self-improvement in achieving optimal academic achievement.

Mentoring provides student roles and learning facilities such as Mentor, Tutor, scholarship opportunity, learning modules, and learning environments to support students to learn in creative ways. Mentoring creates a learning community that is managed by staff and students so that students can achieve optimal academic achievement.

Disability Services serves students with special needs or disabilities who require accommodation, or any form of assistance related to their specific needs in studying. The main service is Counseling and Individual Assistance. This service helps students with special needs or disabilities so they can take part in teaching and learning activities at BINUS University optimally based on their potential.

There are also several programs besides Counseling and Individual Assistance, such as Training/Workshops related to soft skills and career preparation, and wellness activities in a form of gathering or leisure activities among students.

Disability Services also provides Psychoeducation Session for parents, lecturers, or other elements of campus to build a better understanding of the condition and know what aspects needed to accommodate special needs or disabilities students. Methods used are seminar, talk show, exhibition, and mini class.

Study Resources Support provides information about scholarships in BINUS University and support scholars during their studies. Service provided are Engagement, Support, and Development program to help scholars achieve optimal academic performance, contribute to BINUS University, and finish their studies on time.


SASC Kemanggisan Campus
Kampus Anggrek Lantai 5 (R.511 dan R.515)
Jl. Kebun Jeruk Raya no 27, Jakarta Barat 11530
Telp: 021-5345830
Ext: 1501-1503, 1505

SASC Alam Sutera Campus
Jl. Jalur Sutera Barat Kav. 21, Alam Sutera
Tangerang 15143
Gedung A Lantai 3 R.A0307
Telp: (021) 2977 9100
Ext. 7316, 7315 dan 27250

SASC Binus @ Senayan
Joseph Wibowo Center (JWC) Campus
Jl. Hang Lekir I No. 6, Kebayoran Baru, Senayan
Jakarta 10270 Indonesia
Lantai 2, Ruang 204
Phone: 021 720 2222 / 3333 Ext. 3311

SAS Bekasi Campus
Jalan Lingkar Boulevar Blok WA No.1
Summarecon Bekasi Kel, Marga Mulya, Jawa Barat 17142
Ruang ASD
Telp : 021 – 2928 5598
Fax : 021 – 2928 5596
Ext. 7919

SADC Bandung Campus
Lt. 4 Ruang SADC
Paskal Hyper Square, Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.25-27, Ciroyom, Kec. Andir
Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40181
Telp: 08041696969
Ext: 7832

SADC Semarang Campus
BINUS Edu Park – Gedung D Lt. 1 Ruang SADC
POJ Avenue Kav. 3, POJ City
Kel Tawangsari. Kec. Semarang Barat,
Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50144
Ph / WA: 081 357 357 487

SAS Malang Campus
Araya Mansion 8-22, Genitri, Tirtomoyo
Kec. Pakis, Malang, Jawa Timur, 65154
Ruang SAC 0104
Telp: 0341 – 3036969
Ext: 7545

Operational Hours:
Senin-Kamis: 09:00 – 17:00 (lunch break 12:00 – 13:00)
Jumat: 09:00 – 17:00 (lunch break 11:30 – 13:00)
Sabtu: 09:00 – 15:00 (lunch break 12:00 – 13:00)

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