Orientation & Transition Program (OTP)
The activities in OTP aim to equip Freshmen with:
Knowledge/information and skills in academic areas such as:
- The curriculum that will be undertaken, including the distribution of courses per semester, specialization, quality control courses, enrichment programs, minor programs, etc
- Basic knowledge of the chosen majors
- The skills to search for literature, read and write scientifically
Knowledge/information or skills in non-academic areas such as:
- Values that are held firmly in the environment of BINUS UNIVERSITY
- Graduate attributes that must be owned by every BINUS UNIVERSITY graduate
- The process of adjustment to become a student
- Lecture system at BINUS UNIVERSITY
- Facilities and targets to support student lectures
- Social awareness activities
Through the video conference activities that are scheduled together, the material or activities provided are carried out independently with the guidance/direction given. During the activities in OTP, Freshmen will be accompanied by the Freshmen Leader.
Pengetahuan/Informasi maupun ketrampilan di area akademik seperti:
- Kurikulum yang akan dijalani meliputi distribusi mata kuliah per semester, peminatan, mata kuliah pengawasan mutu, enrichment program, minor program, dsb
- Pengetahuan-pengetahuan dasar dari jurusan yang telah dipilih
- Keterampilan mencari literatur, membaca dan menulis secara ilmiah
Pengetahuan/Informasi ataupun ketrampilan di area non akademik seperti:
- Nilai-nilai yang dipegang teguh di lingkungan BINUS UNIVERSITY
- Graduate Attribute yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap lulusan BINUS UNIVERSITY
- Proses penyesuaian diri menjadi seorang mahasiswa
- Sistem Perkuliahan di BINUS UNIVERSITY
- Sarana dan Prasarana penunjang perkuliahan mahasiswa
- Social Awareness Activity
Melalui aktivitas video conference yang terjadwal bersama, pemberi materi ataupun aktivitas yang dilakukan secara mandiri dengan bimbingan/arahan yang diberikan. Selama kegiatan di OTP, Freshmen akan didampingi oleh Kakak Freshmen Leader.

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