Boarder Birthday Party: Missing Person- BINUS @Square

Boarder Birthday Party X Missing Person is a unique celebration of age and life held by the Floor Coordinators or (FC) 2024/2025. This celebration aims to celebrate the birthdays of boarders born in span of 3 months. This time, we chose to celebrate the birthdays of those born from January until March. As floor coordinators, we strive to make their stay enjoyable, memorable and also encourage them to bond with each other. We hope that by holding these events and other events with these goals, we can help to make them feel welcomed in their second home or home away from home as most of the boarders are from outside Jakarta and are away from their families for most of the year. Encouraging social events can evoke a sense of togetherness and companionship that we plan will create long-lasting memories that they can look back on.

Before the event started, we directed them to the registration counter where they reregistered as a confirmation of attendance at 16:30 WIB. This reregistration was exclusive to those who received an invitation and had filled out an RSVP form to confirm they were interested in attending the event. After reregistration, they were escorted inside the venue and told to take a seat. There was somewhat of a delay, as the number of participants was not sufficient to create teams. However, once the number of attendees reached 15 people, we prompted to start the event.

The MCs gave everyone a warm welcome then proceeded into the first segment of the event, which is blowing out the candles and sharing their wishes and aspirations for this year as they grow older. We selected 3 people out of the participants from each month as representatives. The next segment of the event was the games, where they were divided into 4 teams. There were 4 games designed for the event, which consisted of decrypting symbols into text, finding objects in a picture, arranging sentences into a comprehensible order and arranging audio files to create a comprehensible message. The games were held in 4 different locations that was outside next to the Oak Room, the lounge area next to the pool table, and the glass rooms.

Game 1 – Crack the Code

Game 2 – Find the Object

Game 3 – Puzzle the Pieces

Game 4 – Audio Sequences

Video Easter Egg Setup

Upon finishing the games, the participants returned to the Oak Room where they were shown a clip revealing the whereabouts of the missing person (Jason). Afterwards, they were instructed to fill out the feedback form, bringing the event to a close before they were allowed to cue up in front of the venue for refreshments and food. With the consideration that this month is Ramadan and many of the participants and the MCs are fasting, we provided water to break their fast beforehand during the games. The food and refreshments consisted of spaghetti bolognaise, donuts and sweetened ice tea that was prepared by the consumption crew from the floor coordinators.

With the complimentary consumption, participants were able to socialize and get to know each other over food and drinks. Unfortunately, there was no music to liven up the atmosphere. The event was concluded by the MCs that took over and thanked everyone for attending the event, hoping that they enjoyed the festivities and savour the moments for years to come. The MCs finally withdrew and the event came to a close, allowing the attendees to retreat to their rooms and unwind. Even through the minor setbacks and delay, the event provided a thrilling component to everyone’s day, and challenged participants with wit and puzzles mixed in with a pinch of mystique. We hope that everyone involved will look back on this event with a sense of fondness and enthusiasm, which is the very essence of what BBP is.

We wish them the happiest birthday and hope to make their day a memorable one!

Warm regards, 

Floor Coordinator 2024/2025

Gabriella Claris Jacinta