Master of Ceremony Training Program 2025 “Command The Stage: Create Your MC’s Journey In Every Occasion” – BINUS @Square


The MC Training Program 2025 is a work program initiated by the Human Resource Development Subdivision under the Internal Affairs Division. This event, also known as MTP’25, marks the first event organized by the 15th Presidency. The training program aims to enhance the public speaking skills of BSSC activists, particularly in the role of Master of Ceremony (MC). With the theme “Command the Stage: Create Your MC’s Journey in Every Occasion”, the event took place on Sunday, February 2, 2025, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m Western Indonesian Time. While it was open to all BSSC 15th activists, except the Internal Affairs Division responsible for managing this work program, it primarily targeted members of the Self-Development Division and External Affairs Division.

MTP’25 began with welcoming speeches from Felicia Susanty as the Chairman of BSSC 15th Presidency and Muhammad Raziva Ramza Aziz, S.E., as the Student Organization Advisor. The event was led by Evorius Valens Taruna as the MC, who guided participants throughout the program. The training then continued with two learning sessions led by experienced trainers. Each session was designed to help participants learn important MC skills. 

The first session, Personal Vocal MC Training, was delivered by Felicia Susanty and covered the fundamentals of being an MC, different types of MC roles, variations in vocal tone depending on the event, and techniques to improve vocal delivery. This session was followed by a Question and Answer segment, where participants engaged by asking questions, which were thoroughly answered by the trainer. 

The second session, Personal Technical MC Training, was presented by Karen Christianty and focused on essential MC skills such as preparation before an event, techniques for structuring an MC script, and phrases to avoid when hosting an event. A second Question and Answer session followed, allowing participants to clarify any remaining uncertainties, with the trainer providing clear explanations. Throughout all sessions, participants remained highly engaged, demonstrating enthusiasm by actively listening to the material.

Following the training sessions, participants took part in an MC simulation, where they each performed based on predetermined categories. Their performances were assessed by judges Felicia Susanty and Teddy Anantama Wijaya. After scoring was completed, Frederick Kamsono was announced as the Best Participant Performance, achieving a total score of 78.38, and was awarded a certificate. Additionally, certificates were presented to the trainers and judges as a tribute of appreciation for their contributions to the program.  

The event concluded with a group photo session, followed by participants completing an evaluation form. The MC Training Program 2025 aims to help BSSC activists refine their public speaking skills, particularly as MCs, so they can present themselves with confidence and professionalism in various settings.

Marvin Ronny Chandiary