BSSC Farewell Party 2024 “The Final Bow, But Not The Last Show”

BINUS Square Student Committe (BSSC), as the journey of BSSC 14th Presidency reached its ending, the BSSC Farewell Party 2024 will become the last event held by the 14th Presidency management. This farewell party was held on the 14th and 15th December 2024 at Eton Villa, Bogor. For 2 days and 1 night farewell party, we planned fun and reminiscence activities, with games, division performances, and appreciation sessions. The theme, “The Final Bow, but Not the Last Show” indicates that even though this is the last of the 14th Presidency, it is not the end for BSSC as BSSC will still go on with a new Presidency. The day began with an opening session to start the event, followed by an opening speech by the Project Manager. After that, we packed our stuff in the bus and set off to the villa. We had a 4 hour drive to the villa. On our way there, we entertained ourselves with karaoke session and challenges. Some of us use the time to rest more, others use it to tell stories and opinions about each other’s interests. We enjoyed the ride, with beautiful city views and when we reached Bogor, we were fascinated by the natural views around
Upon our arrival at the villa, we rested a bit while having lunch together and soon quickly transitioned into a series of engaging games and team-building activities. Teams are divided according to divisions and will face off each other in friendly competition, strengthening their bonds while showcasing their teamwork and enthusiasm. The games were Togetherness Tales and Globally Competent Balloons. It is a mix of strategy, physical challenges, and pure fun, leaving everyone with big smiles and shared victories. Despite the rainy weather and cold winds, we had fun and shared a lot of laughter leaving happy memories together. After games, we were given free time to wash up and prepare for dinner. For dinner, we cooked rice, chicken and beef together in the kitchen. The food turned out delicious and everyone enjoyed the food very well.
One of the highlights of the day was the spectacular fashion and performance show. Each division brought their unique flair, creativity, and talent to the stage, dazzling the audience with a variety of performances. The theme for the fashion and performance is movies, so each division have to decide what movie to do and have to perform it as creatively as possible. The first performance was from internal division, where they dressed up as the characters from Doraemon and sang the theme song as their performance. The second to perform was internal division where they dressed up characters from Despicable Me and made an acting performance transitioning to the Grinch. Lastly, the self-development division performed a recreation of Frozen’s iconic songs while dressed up as characters from the movie. Self-development ended up winning and was declared the best division of BSSC 14th Presidency.
The appreciation session was a touching segment of the event. This is the opportunity to express our gratitude and admiration for one another. Heartfelt speeches, shared memories, advices for the next Presidency created an emotional atmosphere as each of us reflected on our shared journey and accomplishments. Here we can be completely honest to each other and truly tell what we think about each other. Besides through words, we also share our appreciation by writing about each other on a piece of paper that has our name in the middle of it. This session was really touching because we could see what others think about us and their messages for us in the future. After the heartwarming session, we held an awarding session where we were asked to fill in a form which contains a wide variety of categories that will be announced the winners. Recognizing the efforts and achievements of the BSSC members, the awarding sessions were presented to individuals for their outstanding contributions, leadership, creativity, and dedication. It was a moment of pride for the winners, capping off the spirit of appreciation and recognition.