Kick Off Freshmen Chaperone FYP Binusian 2028

The FYP B2028 Kick Off event, officially inaugurating the selected FYP Leader – Freshmen Leader – Freshmen Partner, was led by the Rector, Ms. Nelly, S.Kom., M.M., CSCA, accompanied by Mr. Yohannes Kurniawan, S.Kom., S.E., MMSI, the Vice Rector of Student Affairs.
Taking place on Monday, July 15, 2024, in a hybrid mode, the objective of the activity was to officially assign FYPL, FL, and FP FYP B2028 and internalize the values and culture of the Program/Study Program in each campus area.
Following the symbolic awarding by the Campus Director in each area, the event proceeded with various significant components:
– Mentorship Straitening: FYPL, FL, and FP gained insights into the essential components of the mentoring process, learned steps to effectively implement mentoring, and acquired practical tips for overcoming challenges.
– Staff and FYPL introduction
– Program Session: This segment aimed to provide guidance regarding the roles’ assignments and communicate messages and values to FYPL, FL, and FP.
The culmination of this event is envisioned to motivate FYPL, FL, and FP to support Freshmen Binusian 2028 in their transition journey.