Student Support Office (SSO) @Senayan Campus recently hosted a self-development workshop focused on enhancing students’ soft skills, particularly in presentation and public speaking.

The workshop, titled “Get Better at Presentation Skill,” aimed to assist students who signed up to be Binus University Freshmen Leaders or Freshmen Partners. This session provided valuable insights on designing and delivering effective presentations, as well as enhancing applied management skills to navigate the challenges of campus life demands.

Attendees learned strategies to manage anxiety, boost self-confidence during presentations, and deliver messages effectively. Conducted on Friday, May 17, 2024, at JWC Campus, the workshop, led by Ms. Ferane Aristrivani Sofian, attracted 27 enthusiastic participants from various Senayan Campus departments.

Ms. Ferane’s engaging delivery and interactive Q&A session empowered students to practice their skills and offer constructive feedback. The workshop proved to be a beneficial platform for students to refine their soft skills and build confidence in public speaking.

Palupi Bimantari