BLOOD DONATION “Donate Blood and Save Life” on JWC Campus

On Thursday, February 23rd, 2023 at JWC Campus, Student Support Office (SSO) @Senayan together with Teach For Indonesia (TFI) and Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Kabupaten Tangerang hosted a blood donation activity that attracted about 60 donor participants who shared their blood for humanity. The activity, which carried the theme ‘Donate Blood and Save Life’, has involved TFI Student Club members as well as other student volunteers in ushering the blood donors from various backgrounds, including BINUS staff, lecturers, students, and some others.
BINUS University commits to continuing the collaboration with Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) to hold regular blood donation activities at its campuses. The activity aims to help those in need of blood while also raising social awareness among Binusians to care for others through social and humanitarian concrete actions.