What are the skills that a Global Leader should have?

What are the skills that a Global Leader should have?

As a leader especially a global leader, we have to had some unique skills that differentiate us from other leaders. As a leader we can’t stop learning from the others. Because from that real situation, we can use it as part of our experience to becoming a better leader in the future. Learn from the past and change it for our future.

Global Mindset, Think out of the box! As a global leader we have to think globally not just locally in our organization. That’s also one of the challenge for us as a global leader to be an open-minded person and try to explore lot of new things out there. Relate the global situation to our own problems. Respect and try to think out of the box for ideas that can be implemented to our organization.

Confidence, Confidence is an essential skill for a global leader. One of the soft skills requirement that really important for a global leader. Without confidence, people would not have know what we are going to say. We can’t persuade somebody and change their perspective if we are not confidence when we delivered our thoughts in presentation.

Research Skills, To have confidence we need to have a solid and trustable information to support our thoughts and idea. And that’s requires some research skill for a global leader, to find some information. It’s not just simply surfing the internet, but we as a global leader have to filter and choose which source is reliable to support our ideas and add some facts into it. People who know that our source itu trusted and a reliable one, then they will likely be engage to us.

Networking, No one can do everything by their own. A good leader would know that. To know and reach people out there to build some relationship with others is important as a leader especially a global leader. Networking can help to strengthen and support our organization and eventually to reach our goals.  To succeed we must continually connect with new people, cultivate emerging relationships and leverage our network. We can seek our new opportunities in global field. Create our referral networks. Establish our business contacts. Learn dynamic in global situation.

All of these strong and supporting factors are necessary for a global leader should have at least one of them minimum. Global leader are one step ahead then just a leader so we have to maintain the society in global everyday. Think globally and make a change!


Eunike Gabriella (BINUSIAN-2018),
The Leader of STAMANARA (Seni Tari Mahasiswa BINA NUSANTARA),
Student Activity Unit – BINUS University